Chase Wheeler lives and works in Brooklyn. He holds a BFA from RISD and was featured in the first 6ft Ap’art Show in 2021. He draws inspiration from the growing access to documented global realities – the ability to view images of landscapes from all sorts of perspectives, portraits of strangers, art exhibitions in far flung places, illustrations of chemical compounds, historical images, images of mathematical formulas and their applications, the mundane cracks in sidewalks that could be anywhere and are everywhere, various textures, patterns for textiles and images of text– the possibilities are vast.  

He explores how our growing access to images has impacted our reality. This manifests itself in both physical and digital ways. Scribbles of sketches he's drawn that look like chicken scratch can somehow make themselves into final works where other elements are highly rendered for hundreds of hours. Sometimes images he finds on the internet or photographs he's taken will sit on a hard drive for years until he goes back and Photoshops them into a larger composition. This intermingling collage of banality and beauty is fascinating to him. What results from the combination of the strange and the sublime is a reflection of one’s experience in the world today.